Delete Duplicate File GUI

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The GUI or graphical user interface is the key to using the Delete Duplicates Application. Root documentation at: Python Delete Duplicates This page is the documentation for the GUI.

Screen Shot

This is what it looks like, details on each part below. Still working on it. Note that this screen shot was taken during a debugging session and has some artifacts that will soon disappear, then a new screen shot will be placed here.


What Does What


There are 4 major areas of functionality. Read this guide first then get more information on each at:

The Controls

Control is mostly through buttons. There are two lists at the bottom, clicking on one puts a "snippet" in the clipboard, clicking on the other opens a "snip file" in your system's editor. Outside of the GUI there is also a parameter file which controls start up, your preferred system editor, and many other setting.

Working from top to bottom:

At the Top

  • <Window title> Program name and some additional info including version, mode, and the name of any "extra" parameter file ( see Smart Terminal Parameter Examples ).
  • <ID Color Band >The red band under the title is an optional component, its height and color is set in the parameter file. It is normally useful only if you are running 2 similar looking applications and want a quick way to tell them apart.