Fridge Defrost Timer with Solar Trigger Option
The project video shows a fridge timer which can be set to trigger during high battery voltage sunny days so the defrost cycle never uses valuable battery power. It is switchable to act like a regular defrost timer for long cloudy stretches of time, like winter.
Solar panel rotator motor power with auto-shut-off
The project video shows a way to power solar panel rotator motors from a solar panel, supplemented by a walladapter.
MPPT Solar and Wind Power Boost Charge Controller
I still have more testing to do. Later, I think I will sell my nine extra boards with one LTC3703 soldered in place, for $59.95US if you want to try the circuit. After they are gone, I might release the board layout diagram, which is critical to success. It is an elegant unique solution doing analogue computing. I have some documentation videos and circuit inside the link.